The ideals. The reality. The in-betweens.
The lalaland. The shitty mess. Both states are poles apart, a great disparity at both ends. Life is oftentimes trying and frustrating....

Crazy Rich Coders
Making waves since August 2018, Crazy Rich Asians depicts the hilarious antics of an incredibly wealthy Singaporean family along with the...

Imagine. Code. Create.
Imagine an ideal world without discrimination, hunger, thirst, violence and injustice. An ideal world with endless possibilities. That’s...

Are You In-Demand?
In 2008, the world was in a global recession that affected every city, big and small. The U.S. subprime mortgage that collapsed in August...

Struggle Breeds Greatness
Throughout your life, you’ll be faced with countless struggles that seemingly chip away at your soul. There will be days when the odds...

Taking responsibility goes a long way....
One of the most destructive human pastimes is playing the blame game. It has been responsible for mass casualties of war, regrettable...

The Most Beautiful Slum In Indonesia
Malang is indeed known for many things: a city of locally grown apples, top-notch tempeh and a large percentage of university students....

Yesteryear feels like yesterday
The loss seems as deep as it was a year ago. The sole strong pillar is no longer around. She ensured that I always had enough food and...

We make a life by what we give
“Heroes don't just leap tall buildings or stop bullets with an outstretched hand; they don't just wear boots and capes. They bleed, and...

Change, The New Norm
Unless we have a burning desire to search for new answers, we won't have room to accept a new insight, let a new paradigm. But typically,...